ISSUE 190 MARCH 2020     Sign Update 49
information during the hours of darkness. We will be adding A1 size LED display systems to our product range after successful trials with several customers. Uses have ranged from signposting staff to a temporary location in use during the day and evening, another being used at a university to display precautions and contact information about the coronavirus.
change colour by remote control. We also offer LED sign clamps used for directional signage and safety signs. A significant change in wayfinding signage is the use of LED window display systems. Once the preserve of estate agent’ s windows, we see increased sales and enquiries from universities, schools and building managers who see these as the ideal solution for providing directions and
Weather and location isn’t an issue with our 316 marine grade stainless steel fixings providing a hard-wearing material in the most exposed areas. Lockable fixings A further key feature of our products is the security provided by our lockable fixings; these are ideal for schools, prisons and anywhere the possibility of tampering is an issue. The loss or vandalism of signs can cause significant headaches for those responsible for maintenance or FM. Our range of LED sign fixings are perfect for low light hallways and we will shortly introduce an RGB variant which will allow the LED lights within the sign fixing to
“A key feature of our products is the security provided by our lockable fixings; these are ideal for anywhere the possibility of tampering is an issue”
It is crucial that signage is in the ‘line of sight’; this will make it easier to view from a distance and help ensure quicker navigation.